My Pets

My Pets
Dakota & Princess (in Doggy Heaven), Lenny & Nancy

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Guy Fawkes Night and Your Pets

As my neighbour set off some very beautiful fireworks the other night I remembered the 5th of November is not far away. My dog and cat are scared of fireworks and so are approximately 80% of pets. Here are some do’s and don’ts to help you through the upcoming weeks.

- Walk your dog before dark to avoid firework displays.
- Provide a secure area in the house for pets to go if they are nervous.
- Close all windows, curtains and cat/dog flaps.
- Stay at home with your pets when you know there will be fireworks so you can monitor their behaviour.


- Let your dog out in the garden alone after dark during firework season.
- Encourage fearful behaviour. Instead try to distract them with toys & chews or have either the radio or TV on to cover up firework noise.

Finally, if you know that your pet will be seriously distressed see your vet; there are various products that may alleviate the problem.